Blog Artificial Intelligence Top 5 In-Demand Tech Skills for 2023

Top 5 In-Demand Tech Skills for 2023

Technology continues to emerge and shift daily.  Tech workers are constantly improving their tech skills to stay current. While soft skills are important for success in the workplace, tech skills will always be in high demand.  Here are the top five in-demand tech skills for 2023.

In-Demand Tech Skill #1 – AI & Machine Learning

What’s the difference between Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning? According to Microsoft, “Artificial intelligence is the capability of a computer system to mimic human cognitive functions such as learning and problem-solving while machine learning is considered a subset of AI.

Gartner predicts that by 2023, one in five workers engaged in mostly non-routine tasks will rely on AI to do a job. You see it at kiosks, grocery self-checkout and entertainment apps. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, artificial intelligence and machine learning jobs offer security in an economic downturn. By 2028, the BLS expects a 16% growth rate, which surpasses the combined expected 5% growth rate of all computer science jobs between May 2018 and 2028.  

The most in-demand skills of AI and Machine Learning are Python, Java, TensorFlow, and R code writing.  Due to the increasing demand for talent, IT professionals that are equipped with these tech skills are sure to be in demand in the future.  

Visit Udacity’s School of Artificial Intelligence to see what the next steps are to this fast growing  field or strengthen your machine learning skills and build practical experience by training, validating, and evaluating models using Azure Machine Learning.

Suggested Reading: Artificial Intelligence Jobs Are Future-proof

In-Demand Tech Skill #2 – Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity has been one of the top tech trends given the number of attacks on company networks. With more people working remotely and sharing data online, the US Bureau of Labor predicts that cybersecurity jobs will grow 31% through 2029, seven times faster than the national average job growth of 4%.

Cybersecurity will be commanding high-yield salaries over the next five years with an average pay of $84,481 according to Glassdoor. A shortage of cybersecurity tech skills among IT talent has created a demand for information, network, and vulnerability threat assessment skills. 

Cybercrime is steadily rising and costing businesses and users over 10.5 trillion annually by 2025. Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn had millions of their user profiles compromised in in the past and as more companies move data to the cloud, security continues to be a high priority.  

Learn how to evaluate, maintain, and monitor the security of computer systems. Udacity’s Introduction to Cybersecurity Nanodegree program will equip you with the foundational skills to get started with this highly in-demand tech skill.

Suggested Reading: Why Cybersecurity is Necessary — The 5 Worst Hacks

In-Demand Skill #3 – Datafication

There are over 3.5 quintillion bytes of data created daily. Data helps make lives better, tracks performance, and solves problems. Every time you use the phone, send an email, watch a YouTube video, your credit card or just walk down the street, dating is being created.

Data scientists and data analysts use tech skills such as data visualization, machine learning, statistics and programming. Data scientists work on ways to collect data while data analysts extract the most relevant data. The main difference between a data analyst and a data scientist is heavy coding. These tools help organizations manage and utilize their data.

Datafication continues to generate more tech jobs and specialized qualifications for workers to acquire. From data science to AI and IT management, this field will continue to grow. The more usage from our devices, the more technicians, IT architects and engineers we will need to keep the data safe and secure.

Udacity’s Data Analytics Nanodegree is the ideal program to start if you are interested in a datafication or data science career path.

Suggested Reading: Top data science trends to keep you informed

In-Demand Tech Skill #4  – Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is application software that stores data on physical and virtual servers around the world that can be accessed from the internet. Recently, Gartner forecasted that nearly $500 Billion on cloud services will be spent on cloud services in 2023.

Cloud technology providers such as Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure will continue to see a demand for workers with these tech skills to mix the cloud with ever evolving technology.

Business leaders use three main types of cloud computing services: Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

Learn about Udacity’s School of Cloud computing to upskill your tech skills as there is incredible demand for cloud computing jobs, from Cloud Developers and Cloud DevOps roles to more specialized roles such as Solutions Architects and Hybrid Cloud Engineer.  

Suggested Reading: Where Cloud Computing is Taking the Supply Chain & Manufacturing

In-Demand Tech Skill #5 – Blockchain

Blockchain is nothing but a very safe and reliable database. A decentralized method of storing databases, entries or information that cannot be changed or hacked after they are created. There is a level of security to blockchain that is unmatched by any system in the world.

Blockchain developer jobs are one of the fastest rising fields with financial industries now creating blockchain divisions daily. In-demand tech skills such as Python, C++, SQL, and JavaScript are good programming languages.

The Udacity Blockchain Developer Nanodegree Program gives you the opportunity to work with digital asset protocols, build projects for real-world application and gain the essential skills for a career in this dynamic space.

Suggested Reading: 6 Blockchain Developer Tools You Should Know

Learn Tech Skills with Udacity

The above tech skills are just five of many of what employers are seeking in tech talent. Enroll in Udacity today and, for as few as 10 hours a week, you can get the in-demand skills you need to help land a high-paying tech job. Learn at your own pace, when and where it’s convenient for you. Check out Udacity’s catalog of free classes to get started.

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