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Machine Learning Engineer with Microsoft Azure

Nanodegree Program

Learn Azure ML Operations and the skills utilized by Azure Machine Learning Engineers. Gain a working knowledge of workspaces, datastores, key components of a machine learning pipeline, and how to deploy models and consume endpoints. Demonstrate knowledge learned through the building, deployment, and analysis of two customized models in a capstone project.

Learn Azure ML Operations and the skills utilized by Azure Machine Learning Engineers. Gain a working knowledge of workspaces, datastores, key components of a machine learning pipeline, and how to deploy models and consume endpoints. Demonstrate knowledge learned through the building, deployment, and analysis of two customized models in a capstone project.

Built in collaboration with


  • Intermediate

  • 2 months

  • Last Updated December 18, 2024

Skills you'll learn:

Azure ML user managementAzure data services


HTTPBasic PythonModel training


2 months

Last Updated December 18, 2024

Skills you'll learn:

Azure ML user management • Azure data services • AI business context • Azure ML platform


HTTP • Basic Python • Model training

Courses In This Program

Course 1 45 minutes

Welcome to Machine Learning Engineer with Microsoft Azure

Welcome to Udacity! We're excited to share more about your nanodegree and start this journey with you! In this course, you will learn more about the pre-requisites, structure of the program, and getting started!

Lesson 1

Machine Learning Engineer Program Introduction

Welcome to the Machine Learning Engineer with Microsoft Azure Nanodegree program! In this lesson, you will learn more about the structure of the program and meet your instructors.

Lesson 2

Getting Help

You are starting a challenging but rewarding journey! Take 5 minutes to read how to get help with projects and content.

Course 2 1 month

Using Azure Machine Learning

Machine learning is a critical business operation for many organizations. Learn how to configure machine learning pipelines in Azure, identify use cases for Automated Machine Learning, and use the Azure ML SDK to design, create, and manage machine learning pipelines in Azure.

Lesson 1

Introduction to Azure ML

In this lesson, we'll look at an overview of the course, look ahead to your final project, and discuss some of the reasons why—and when—you would want to do Machine Learning in the cloud.

Lesson 2

Workspaces and the AzureML Studio

In this lesson, we'll learn how workspaces and AzureML studio enable you to be more productive as a data scientist or ML engineer.

Lesson 3

Datastores and Datasets

Datastores and Datasets are a critical component of cloud computing. We'll learn how to integrate third party datasets and open datasets into our ML pipeline to quickly develop working solutions.

Lesson 4

Training Models in Azure ML

We'll learn how to manage pipelines and use hyperparameters in experiments, as well as how to automate changes that create huge value in terms of prediction accuracy.

Lesson 5

The AzureML SDK

In this lesson, we'll cover how the Azure ML SDK allows us to programmatically create and manage pipelines. We'll see that this approach makes pipeline creation and management a reproducible process.

Lesson 6

Automated ML and Hyperparameter Tuning

We'll discuss how we can use the Azure ML SDK to do automated ML and create models more quickly and accurately. We'll also have a look at how we can make we can make our models easier to interpret.

Lesson 7 • Project

Optimizing an ML Pipeline in Azure

In the project at the end of this course, you'll have the opportunity to create and optimize an ML pipeline. You'll do this using both HyperDrive and AutoML, so that you can compare the results.

Course 3 2 weeks

Machine Learning Operations

This course covers a lot of the key concepts of operationalizing Machine Learning, from selecting the appropriate targets for deploying models, to enabling Application Insights, identifying problems in logs, and harnessing the power of Azure’s Pipelines. All these concepts are part of core DevOps pillars that will allow you to demonstrate solid skills for shipping machine learning models into production.

Lesson 1

Introduction to Azure ML

This is a welcome lesson. In this lesson, you will get an overview of the course

Lesson 2

Deploy a Model

In this lesson, you will learn about how to authorize operations for machine learning and deploy machine learning models to Azure.

Lesson 3

Consume Endpoints

In this lesson, you will learn about how to consume deployed service and load-test the endpoint.

Lesson 4

Pipeline Automation

In this lesson, you will learn how to create a batch inference pipeline, publish a pipeline and consume the pipeline endpoint.

Lesson 5 • Project

Project: Operationalizing Machine Learning

In this project, you will continue to work with the Bank Marketing dataset. You will use Azure to configure a cloud-based machine learning production model, deploy it, and consume it.

Course 4 5 hours

Capstone - Azure Machine Learning Engineer

This capstone project gives you the opportunity to use the Azure Machine learning knowledge you have obtained from this Nanodegree to solve the problem of your interest.

Lesson 1 • Project

Capstone Project - Azure Machine Learning Engineer

This capstone project gives you the opportunity to use the Azure Machine learning knowledge you have obtained from this Nanodegree to solve the problem of your interest.

Taught By The Best

Photo of Erick Galinkin

Erick Galinkin

Principal AI Researcher

Erick Galinkin is a hacker and computer scientist, leading research at the intersection of security and artificial intelligence at Rapid7. He has spoken at numerous industry and academic conferences on topics ranging from malware development to game theory in security.

Photo of Noah Gift

Noah Gift

Founder of Pragmatic AI Labs

Noah Gift teaches and consults at top universities and companies globally, including Duke and Northwestern. His areas of expertise are Machine Learning, MLOps, A.I., Data Science, and Cloud Architecture. Noah has authored several bestselling books, including Python for DevOps.

Photo of Soham Chatterjee

Soham Chatterjee


Soham is an Intel® Software Innovator and a former Deep Learning Researcher at Saama Technologies. He is currently a Masters by Research student at NTU, Singapore. His research is on Edge Computing, IoT and Neuromorphic Hardware.

Photo of Alfredo Deza

Alfredo Deza


Alfredo Deza is a passionate software engineer, avid open source developer, Vim plugin author, photographer, and former Olympic athlete. He has rebuilt company infrastructure, designed shared storage, and replaced complex build systems, always in search of efficient and resilient environments.

Student Reviews

Average Rating: 4.1 Stars

83 Reviews

Stefan H.

February 18, 2023

Unfortunately some things are already outdated since Azure ML has evolved.

Devdatta J.

August 24, 2022

Program Is really good. Get a good knowledge on azure and ML

Cristian A.

March 17, 2022

The content is practical and very related to industry requirements. The hands-on projects are great to get you up to speed on Azure ML. On the minus side: the Azure Udacity Lab environment needs to be improved, or replaced. I wasted too much time trying to work with/around it, and in the end, I ended up creating a free Microsoft Azure trial subscription.

Kwabena N.

February 21, 2022

Expected a lot more coding exercises but after the first project I feel my skill set has improved.

Tugrul G.

February 9, 2022

it going great, thank you

Page 1 of 17

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