Blog School of Programming Udacity MOOCs: ahora también en español y portugués

Udacity MOOCs: ahora también en español y portugués

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Peter Lubbers, a Program Manager on the Chrome Developer Relations Team and an instructor in Udacity’s HTML5 Game Development course and upcoming Mobile Web Development course, shares exciting news on translating Udacity courses into Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese. This is reposted from the Google Developer’s Blog.

William Otoniel, a Udacity student from Guatemala City, says of translation, “En mi caso fue una buena experiencia el poder participar en el curso CS101 en español puesto que es mucho más facil y rápido aprender algunas cosas en un idioma nativo como participante.”

(In English: “In my case it was a good experience to take the course CS101 in Spanish since it is much easier and faster to learn a few things in a native language as a participant.”)

If you want to help break down language barriers, there is more work to be done! Join Udacity’s translator team and get started translating today.

Udacity MOOCs: ahora también en español y portugués

By Peter Lubbers, Chrome Developer Relations

Massive open online courses (MOOCs) such as our free Udacity HTML5 Game Development course (CS255) have the incredible ability to reach a global audience, but language barriers still prevent many students from participating. Today we’re announcing some steps we have taken to break these barriers down.

As part of an initiative to empower developers in emerging markets with high-quality training content in local languages, Google funded a project to translate a large portion of the Udacity web development curriculum into Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese. Specifically, we teamed up with Udacity to add fully translated subtitles for CS253 (Web development), CS255 (HTML5 games), and CS256 (Mobile Web Dev, launching soon—register free today!).

+Nick Bortolotti, a Developer Relations Program Manager at Google in Buenos Aires who played an instrumental role in getting the project off the ground said: “This is a tremendous contribution to the ecosystem and the regional community. I am very excited about the new ways and possibilities. No doubt, talented Latin American developers will be inspired with this high quality, localized content from top speakers.”

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¡Que empiece la fiesta!

To see the translations live, go to, for example, and start taking the class. When you’re in the classroom watching videos, click on the Closed Captions (CC) button on the YouTube player and select Spanish (Mexico) or Portuguese (Brazil).

One of the CS255 students, Edwin Rodolfo Maldonado Perez from Guatemala City, Guatemala, told us: “In Latin America, if you study in a public school you won’t have access to learning a second language like English. When public school students grow up and look for jobs, they don’t have time or money to go to a decent language school. From there it becomes a chicken-and-egg situation, where to get a new job or improve technical skills like learning a new programming language, people find that almost all developer documentation is in English.”

The translations for CS253 and CS255 are already live. Enjoy!

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