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Blog Learners Student Stories Student stories: How storytelling and digital marketing connect.

Student stories: How storytelling and digital marketing connect.

Minority scholarships that turn interests into careers.

Tyler Hamilton has always had a passion for reading and journalism. However, her interests never translated to a career after high school. Instead she worked odd jobs until COVID-19 pushed her into unemployment. 

She didn’t let this get her down. Instead, she used it as an opportunity to advance her skills and boost her resume. And it worked.

Breaking into tech.

Tyler was accepted for the scholarship and enrolled in the Digital Marketing Nanodegree program. She combined her personal skills of storytelling with her newly acquired digital marketing skills to build a strong foundation for a career in tech. 

African American scholarships are vital for boosting marginalized groups and strengthening diversity in traditionally underrepresented industries. Udacity, OneTen, and the Blacks In Technology Foundation have joined forces to do their part in changing the face of tech with the OneTen Scholarship.

Built for Black job-seekers.

Not having a 4-year degree shouldn’t stop you from creating a successful career for yourself. The OneTen Scholarship helps Black individuals learn valuable skills to open doors for opportunities in the lucrative fields of business analytics, digital marketing, or front end web development.

Enrollment is open until March 16, 2023. Set your new career in motion today—apply now.

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