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In pursuit of our mission to power careers through tech education, Udacity is excited to introduce the newest addition to our School of Data Science: the Data Streaming Nanodegree program. Data Streaming is a prime example of a cutting-edge skill that will give Data Engineers a significant advantage in their current role or in their pursuit of new opportunities, and there’s no better time to learn than now.

Data Streaming Nanodegree Program

What exactly is Data Streaming? Ben Goldberg, Data Streaming Nanodegree program instructor and Staff Engineer at SpotHero, offers a great explanation of the technology:

“Ingesting and processing mass volumes of data is very difficult. To deal with this influx, companies utilize stream processing to analyze data as it’s generated. Not only does this lessen the long-term processing burden for many companies, as the working dataset is smaller, but it also enables these companies to benefit from real-time analyses instead of long-running batch analyses that may only update once a day or once an hour.” 

Consider for a moment the number of apps, websites, and other tools you use on a daily basis that leverage real-time data— from ride-sharing applications to web applications like Netflix, Google Maps, and more. The examples are nearly endless, and companies of all shapes and sizes are clamoring to optimize their use of data to support users and improve business.  

Financial institutions use data streaming to monitor the stock market and automatically initiate trades. Networking companies use it to track the performance of their hardware so they can do predictive maintenance, instead of waiting for their devices to break. Hospitals use streamed data to monitor a patient’s health and know immediately when anomalies in treatment are detected. These are unique examples of the wide range of industries looking to make the most of data streaming technology. That’s why there’s no better time than now to equip yourself with the skills companies need to take their data engineering practices to the next level. 

Program Details

The Data Streaming Nanodegree program is designed and taught by industry professionals with experience at the forefront of this new trend in data engineering. The projects in the Data Streaming Nanodegree program will prepare you to develop systems and applications capable of interpreting data immediately, and will do so using some of the premier tools in the field— Apache Spark, Kafka, Apache Streaming, and Kafka Streaming, to name a few.

Students who enroll in the Data Streaming Nanodegree program will learn the components of data streaming systems, and build a real-time analytics application. They’ll also actually compile real-time data and run analytics, as well as draw insights from reports generated by the streaming console, and demonstrate those skills by completing real-world projects that’ll showcase their abilities to prospective employers. Specific projects include:

  • Project 1: Optimize Bus & Train Availability in Chicago Using Kafka
    Stream public transit status using the Kafka ecosystem to build a stream processing application that shows the status of trains in real-time.
  • Project 2: Analyze the Crime Rate in San Francisco with Apache Spark Streaming.
    Use a real-world dataset extracted from Kaggle, create an ETL pipeline that produces Kafka data, ingest the data through Spark, and generate a meaningful statistical report from the data.

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The International Data Corporation (IDC) projects the big data and analytics industry to be worth $189.1 billion in 2019, which is a 12% increase from 2018. The most in-demand engineers in this job market will be those equipped to help companies manage the transition to data streaming.

With Udacity’s combination of hands-on project-centric learning, 1-on-1 mentorship, and industry-aligned careers services, there’s no better way to meet the demand than by registering today for the Data Streaming Nanodegree program. Registration is open as of today, and the classroom opens for the first time on November 12, 2019.

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Ksenia Ledabyl
Ksenia Ledabyl
Ksenia is the Product Lead on Udacity's content strategy team. She's worked in various marketing and product roles at Samsung, Dell, and Procter & Gamble. She holds an MBA from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and a Bachelors of Science from Cornell University.