Explainers Archives


2023’s Most Relevant Machine Learning Trends

With 20% of C-level executives reporting that they are using machine learning as a core part of...

Cybersecurity: defense against insider threats.

“The call is coming from inside the house!” The most starry-eyed misconception about cybersecurity is that the good...

Cybersecurity: hacking your own people.

One of the most daunting tasks for a risk manager is to understand your company’s weaknesses. In...

Social engineering: cybersecurity as a mind game.

When many people think of cybercrime, they conjure an image straight from a cheesy 90’s Hollywood film:...

Comparing roles: data engineer vs software engineer.

When most people think about tech workers, they probably think of software engineers. They think about people...

What Is Zero Trust Security?

Cybersecurity has been a hot topic in the world of tech for quite a while now. In...