ChiWei Ranck Archives
How You Can Afford the Nanodegree Credential
We know that the $200/month price may be high for some of you, but you still want...
Udacity’s Hidden Easter Eggs
This course video from Programming Foundations with Python teaches you how to open a web browser in...
Someone Reviewed a Data Science Course, But What Does It Mean For You?
Chris Sunsong, a Udacity Data Science student, wrote a detailed review about our Data Wrangling with MongoDB...
9 Essential Skills for Your First Data Analyst Job
Data. Every time you make a purchase online or share a photo with friends, you are contributing...
12 Essential Skills for Your First Front-End Web Dev Job
Front-end web development is not magic, it's skill. Knowing what it takes to create amazing user experiences...
New Udacity Blog: Skills & Resources to Change Your Life!
Welcome to Climb Higher, the new Udacity blog! It’s like our old blog, but better.
We’re putting our...