Alexey Klochay Archives
Moving Files in Python
Most programs today require the manipulation of files and folders at some point. As a programmer, you...
Multiple Inheritance in C++
A C++ programmer strives for readable and reusable code. Easy-to-read code saves time and effort when making...
Python Ordered Sets: An Overview
Programming is mainly about handling data. As a Python developer, you’ll find ways to store data in...
__init__ in Python: An Overview
Today, a programmer is bound to come across object-oriented programming (OOP) during their career. As a modern...
Implementing Dijkstra’s Algorithm in Python
What do GPS navigation devices and websites for booking flights have in common? As it turns out,...
Python Match-Case Statement: Example & Alternatives
As a modern programming language, Python evolves constantly. It’s sometimes challenging, but necessary, to stay up-to-date on...