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Understanding Machine Learning Accuracy: Metrics and Methods to Measure Model Performance

As a data scientist who has spent countless hours wrestling with algorithms and data, I’ve come to appreciate that machine learning accuracy is both a critical and nuanced aspect of our field. Early in my career, I built models that looked promising on the surface but didn’t perform well in real-world scenarios. These experiences taught me valuable lessons about the importance of choosing the right metrics and methods for evaluating model performance. In this article, I’ll share those insights to help you navigate the complexities of model accuracy, especially if you’re just starting out in machine learning.

Table of Contents

The Problem: Over-reliance on Accuracy

Key Metrics for Accuracy

A Sample Scenario

Implementing Accuracy Metrics with Scikit-Learn

Improving Model Accuracy: Techniques and Best Practices

The Problem: Over-reliance on Accuracy

Imagine that you’re tasked with creating a model to predict customer churn for a subscription service. Eager to deliver impressive results, you develop a model boasting 98% accuracy. It sounds like a success story, right? But then you realize that only 2% of customers ever leave the service. This means that by simply predicting “no churn” for every customer, you’d naturally achieve 98% accuracy without any real predictive power.

This scenario highlights a crucial lesson: relying solely on accuracy can be misleading, especially with imbalanced datasets. Understanding and utilizing a variety of accuracy metrics is essential for building models that perform well not just in theory but also in practice.

Key Metrics for Accuracy

Let’s dive into the core metrics that help us evaluate model performance beyond plain accuracy.


Accuracy is calculated as:

It’s straightforward and easy to understand, making it a good starting point for evaluation. However, as my churn model taught me, accuracy doesn’t account for class imbalances.


Precision answers the question: “Of all the positive predictions, how many were actually correct?” It’s defined as:

High precision means fewer false positives. This is crucial in situations like email spam detection, where you don’t want to mistakenly mark important emails as spam.

As a quick reminder, it’s helpful to clarify what we mean by positive and negative, and true and false in predictions:

  • Positive Class: The outcome or class we are interested in predicting (e.g., detecting fraud or disease).
  • Negative Class: The other class, representing the absence of the event of interest.
  • True: The model’s prediction matches the actual class.
  • False: The model’s prediction does not match the actual class.


  • True Positive (TP): Correctly predicting the positive class.
  • False Positive (FP): Incorrectly predicting the positive class.
  • True Negative (TN): Correctly predicting the negative class.
  • False Negative (FN): Incorrectly predicting the negative class.

These outcomes are often represented in a confusion matrix:

Predicted PositivePredicted Negative
Actual PositiveTrue Positive (TP)False Negative (FN)
Actual NegativeFalse Positive (FP)True Negative (TN)

In the case of spam detection, the true positives are the emails that are predicted to be spam and are actually spam.


Recall, also known as sensitivity, asks: “Of all the actual positive cases, how many did the model correctly identify?” It’s calculated as:

High recall is vital in scenarios like disease screening, where missing a positive case could have severe consequences.

F1 Score

While precision and recall are valuable metrics on their own, they often present a trade-off. Improving precision can sometimes reduce recall and vice versa. This is where the F1 Score comes into play.

The F1 Score combines precision and recall into a single metric by calculating their harmonic mean. It’s particularly useful when you need to balance the trade-off between precision and recall or when dealing with imbalanced datasets.

  • Balanced Evaluation: In situations where both false positives and false negatives carry significant costs, the F1 Score provides a more comprehensive evaluation than either precision or recall alone.
  • Simplifies Comparison: It reduces two metrics into one, making it easier to compare models.

The F1 Score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall:

It provides a balance between precision and recall, especially useful when you need to find a middle ground.

A Sample Scenario

As a quick illustration, suppose we have the following model performance:

Imagine you’re building a model to detect spam emails. Out of a total of 200 emails:

  • 100 emails are actually spam, and
  • 100 emails are not spam (legitimate emails).

After running the model, the results are:

  • The model correctly identifies 5 spam emails as spam (True Positives, TP = 5).
  • The model incorrectly labels 5 legitimate emails as spam (False Positives, FP = 5).
  • The model fails to identify 95 spam emails and classifies them as legitimate emails (False Negatives, FN = 95).

Inputting those into the formulas above gives us 0.5 for precision, and 0.05 for recall. The arithmetic mean, which is calculated by adding these scores and dividing them by 2, gives us a score of 0.275. The harmonic mean (F1 score), on the other hand, has a score of 0.091.

  • Arithmetic Mean (27.5%) suggests that the model’s average performance is somewhat acceptable.
  • F1 Score (9.1%) indicates a poor balance between precision and recall, highlighting significant issues. This is a better reflection of our model, seeing that the recall score was very low.

Key Takeaway

Knowing when to prioritize each metric can make or break your model’s effectiveness.

When to Prioritize Accuracy

  • Balanced Datasets: When classes are evenly distributed, accuracy is a reliable metric.
  • Equal Misclassification Costs: When false positives and false negatives have similar consequences.

When to Prioritize Other Metrics

  • Imbalanced Datasets: Accuracy can be deceptive when one class significantly outweighs another.
  • Resource Constraints: If acting on a false positive is costly, precision becomes crucial.
    • Imagine a fraud detection system at a bank. If the system falsely flags legitimate transactions as fraudulent (false positives), it can lead to customer inconvenience, loss of trust, and increased operational costs for manual reviews. Since acting on these false positives is costly, precision becomes crucial—ensuring flagged transactions are highly likely to actually be fraudulent, even if it means missing some fraud (false negatives) as a trade-off.
  • High-Stakes Decisions: In medical diagnoses or fraud detection, recall might be more important.
  • Need for Balance: When both false positives and false negatives are critical, the F1 Score is valuable.

Hands-on: Implementing Accuracy Metrics with Scikit-Learn

Let’s apply what we’ve learned using Python’s Scikit-Learn library. We’ll build a model to detect rare events by simulating an imbalanced dataset, which will help us understand the differences between various performance metrics. For this demonstration, we’ll generate a sample dataset that only has 5% positive class.

We’ll use a Logistic Regression model that is known to achieve high precision but low recall to illustrate how focusing on a single metric can be misleading.

Modules installation

For this demo, you’ll need to run the following command to install all the required modules:

pip install numpy scikit-learn imbalanced-learn matplotlib

The code

import numpy as np

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, precision_score, recall_score, f1_score

from sklearn.datasets import make_classification

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

# Generate a synthetic dataset with class imbalance

X, y = make_classification(n_samples=1000, n_features=20,

                           n_informative=2, n_redundant=10,


                           weights=[0.95, 0.05],  # 95% of class 0, 5% of class 1

                           flip_y=0, random_state=42)

unique, counts = np.unique(y, return_counts=True)

class_distribution = dict(zip(unique, counts))

print("Class distribution:")


#--- CASE 1: High precision low recall model

# Simple split into train and test sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)

# 1. Train a Logistic Regression model

model = LogisticRegression(), y_train)

# 2. Make Predictions on the Test Set

y_pred = model.predict(X_test)

# 3. Calculate evaluation metrics

accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)

precision_hp = precision_score(y_test, y_pred)

recall_hp = recall_score(y_test, y_pred)

f1_hp = f1_score(y_test, y_pred)

arithmetic_mean_hp = (precision_hp + recall_hp) / 2

print(f"Logistic Regression Model:")

print(f"Accuracy: {accuracy:.2f}")

print(f"Precision: {precision_hp:.2f}")

print(f"Recall: {recall_hp:.2f}")

print(f"F1 Score (Harmonic Mean): {f1_hp:.2f}")

print(f"Arithmetic Mean of Precision and Recall: {arithmetic_mean_hp:.2f}")

Expected Output 

Accuracy: 0.95

Precision: 1.00

Recall: 0.22

Arithmetic Mean of Precision and Recall: 0.61

F1 Score (Harmonic Mean): 0.36

Understanding the Results

  • Accuracy (95%): The model correctly predicts 95% of the cases.
  • Precision (100%): When the model predicts a positive case, it’s correct 100% of the time.
  • Recall (22%): The model detects 22% of all positive cases.
  • F1 Score (36%): A balanced measure of precision and recall.
  • Arithmetic Mean of Precision and Recall (61%): The arithmetic mean of precision and recall. 

The result demonstrates the issue mentioned above. Both the accuracy and precision metrics showed good scores, but they are not a good representation of the quality of our model. The recall score was bad, and the F1 score showed a much better representation of the model rather than the arithmetic mean.

Improving Model Accuracy: Techniques and Best Practices

Enhancing machine learning accuracy involves a combination of data preparation, feature engineering, and algorithm tuning.

Data Preprocessing

  • Data Cleaning: Remove duplicates and correct errors.
  • Feature Scaling: Standardize features to have a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one. Algorithms like K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) and Support Vector Machines (SVM) are sensitive to feature scaling.
  • Handling Missing Values: Impute missing data using mean, median, or more advanced techniques.

Personal Tip: Proper data preprocessing once improved my model’s accuracy by 15%. Never underestimate clean data!

Feature Engineering

  • Feature Selection: Identify and use only the most relevant features.
  • Feature Extraction: Create new features by transforming or combining existing ones.

In a project predicting housing prices, for example, adding a “house age” feature may significantly boost accuracy.

Algorithm Tuning

  • Hyperparameter Optimization: Use techniques like Grid Search or Random Search to find the best parameters.
  • Cross-Validation: Validate the model on different subsets to ensure it generalizes well.

Ensemble Methods

  • Bagging: Combine multiple models to reduce variance.
  • Boosting: Sequentially build models that focus on correcting the errors of previous ones.

As an analogy, using ensemble methods is like assembling a team where each member compensates for the others’ weaknesses.


  • L1 and L2 Regularization: Add a penalty for large coefficients to prevent overfitting.
  • Dropout (in Neural Networks): Randomly drop neurons during training to reduce over-reliance on specific features.

Summary and Best Practices for Accuracy Measurement

Navigating the intricacies of machine learning accuracy can be challenging, but it’s an essential skill for any aspiring data scientist.

Best Practices:

  • Use Multiple Metrics: Don’t rely solely on accuracy, especially with imbalanced data.
  • Understand Your Data: Know the distribution and importance of different classes.
  • Validate Thoroughly: Use cross-validation and test on unseen data.
  • Continuously Learn: Stay updated with the latest techniques and algorithms.

Remember, building effective models is as much about understanding the problem as it is about crunching numbers. So keep exploring, stay Udacious, and enjoy the journey. After all, if machine learning were easy, it wouldn’t be nearly as fun!

Note: If you’re curious to see the code that applies most of the improvement suggestions above, feel free to look at it from this GitHub page. The F1 score goes up to 98%!

If you’d like to learn more about machine learning, be sure to check out Udacity’s School of Artificial Intelligence and the rest of their catalog.

Jay T.
Jay T.
Jay is the CTO and co-founder of Trio Digital Agency, and a distinguished mentor in Udacity's School of Data. His expertise in web application development, mastery of Linux server programming, and innovative use of machine learning for big data solutions establish him as an invaluable resource for anyone looking to delve into the world of data. He's not only crafted but also continually refines the open-source Skully Framework, demonstrating his dedication to the development community. At Udacity, Jay's impressive track record of 21,000+ project reviews underscores his depth of experience. He extends his expertise through personalized mentoring and contributes to the ongoing excellence of Udacity's data-centric curriculum by assisting with content updates and course maintenance.