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5 Tactics for Attracting Diverse Talent

Attracting top diverse talent is a top priority for many organizations. In today’s competitive marketplace, attracting and retaining top talent is essential. But, if you want to stand out from the crowd, you have to offer what your employees need: good pay, benefits, and an environment representative of their diverse backgrounds.
 There are many benefits to having a diverse workforce at your company. First, a diverse workforce brings a variety of perspectives and ideas to the table.

According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, 79% of new graduates rate work diversity as “very important.”  This can lead to better decision-making and more innovative solutions to problems. This article explores five ways to attract diverse talent to your company.

How to Diversify Your Workforce in 2022

Organizations that are committed to hiring diverse talent benefit from outpacing competition, gaining higher market share, and achieving overall performance. For employees, a diverse workplace drives higher employee engagement, loyalty, and retention. 

Diverse teams bring new perspectives and drive innovation. Glassdoor reports that 76% of job candidates list diversity as a consideration when evaluating opportunities.  Here are five ways to attract top diverse talent:

  1. Like attracts like – If your organization doesn’t have a diverse workforce, it’s harder to attract diverse talent. Creating opportunities, mentorships and training to ensure diverse hires feel valued and engaged helps to build a culture of inclusion and equity.
  2. Broaden your talent search – Consider partnering with associations, diversity groups, veterans, formerly incarcerated, people over 50, return-to-work organizations, etc. to expand where you can find diverse talent.  
  3. Create a scholarship or internship program – A scholarship or internship program attracts young diverse talent that is looking to advance in their field. Colleges and universities can help to promote your offerings to the students.
  4. Showcase and promote a diverse culture – From your organization’s social media to internal employee resource groups, ensure your audience knows diverse talent is priority.
  5. Ask for internal referrals – Ask your existing employees for diverse talent referrals. Rewarding your employees with referral bonuses lets them be a part of building an inclusive culture.

Organizations are seeing the value in initiating Inclusive hiring practices to open their talent pool – making it easier to attract top candidates, strengthen your brand and boost your bottom line.

Benefits of Diverse Talent

A diverse workforce can help your company connect with a broader range of customers. If your customer base is diverse, it’s essential to have a workforce that reflects that diversity. This can help build trust and rapport with your customers.

Additionally, a Harvard Business Review study, stated companies with diverse leadership teams are 70% more likely to capture new markets and 45% more likely to report that their firm’s market share grew year-over-year than companies without diverse teams.

So, not only is diversity good for your customers and employees, but it’s also good for your bottom line. Check out Udacity’s job board to learn more about our roles and how we hire top talent. 

Monique Roberts
Monique Roberts
Monique enjoys traveling, photography, and connecting with Udacity students around the world in addition to writing about digital transformation, career upskilling, and innovative technologies.