Blog Enterprise 4 Courses for Business Teams to Include in Your L&D Strategy

4 Courses for Business Teams to Include in Your L&D Strategy

As more  organizations invest in upskilling their current employees, it’s essential to prioritize business objectives. While focusing on more technical courses may be necessary, you also don’t want to forget about courses for business teams

The Udacity School of Business offers a wide range of business courses ideal for upskilling your current employees and helps companies refine their enterprise upskill strategy

Here’s our list of the best courses for business teams to gain skills essential in the new world of work.

#1. Predictive Analytics for Business 

When considering courses for business teams, predictive analytics offers immense value. Predictive analytics is all about using historical and current data for modeling to project future performance. By looking at the patterns in data, analysts can determine the likelihood of the patterns occurring again. 

This helps enterprises improve their planning for the future and capitalize on potential opportunities, while also adjusting resources as needed. Predictive analytics can help everything from better understanding how customers respond to a marketing campaign to how to improve overall UX.

In Predictive Analytics for Business, students learn how to apply analytics and business intelligence to solve real-world business problems. This includes skills such as data wrangling, classification models, A/B testing, segmentation and clustering and problem solving. 

#2. SQL

Structured Language Query (SQL) is the standard language for relational databases. It can be used to manipulate data records, including inserting, updating, searching and deleting. It also has other functions, like database maintenance and optimization. With SQL, users can set permissions, create and drop tables and databases, describe the data in detail and much more. 

Not only is SQL considered the industry standard, but it also’s easy to use and offers quick access to highly valuable information. Effective data mining can play a pivotal role in helping organizations capitalize on the data they have. With the ability to manage data in huge volumes and combine data from multiple sources, having someone on your team well trained in SQL can be a game-changer. 

Students taking SQL courses will learn how to perform analysis on data stored in relational and non-relational database systems, and to determine, create, and execute SQL and NoSQL queries that manipulate and dissect large-scale datasets.

By using the power of SQL including commands, functions and data cleaning, your employees s will be able to provide data-based insights for i decision-making. 

#3. Growth Product Manager

Product management is one area in a business that has multiple designations under one umbrella — and that includes being a growth product manager. Growth product managers work in tandem with product managers and are specifically responsible for the growth of multiple products and helping drive activity to meet company objectives.

The growth product manager is one of the best courses for business teams as growth includes everything from acquisition and retention to customer loyalty and satisfaction, as well as things like marketing campaigns. 

While it’s common for enterprises to have a product manager, having a growth product manager can make a big impact on the bottom line because their sole focus is nurturing growth. They cross collaborate across business functions and introduce new approaches while prioritizing high-impact initiatives. They consider each stage of a customer lifecycle and work to ensure how customers can gain the most value from a product as quickly as possible. 

#4. UX Designer

UX Design is one of the hottest courses for business teams, with good reason. Given that the ROI on UX is very high — an estimated return of $100 on every dollar spent — investing in this business area makes sense. User experience (UX) design is focused on the start to finish process of someone using a product or service. It takes into account usability, design, accessibility, and more. Whether it’s how things look when a website visitor clicks on a sales page to the ease of checkout at purchase, no step of customers’ experience is overlooked by a UX designer.  

Having strong UX designers can offer many benefits to a company, with the most obvious being the better a customer’s experience, the more likely they are to return for repeat purchases and also tell other people about their experience.

Plus, UX design can help cut costs, particularly those associated with development as you’re able to create better prototype and generate more accurate estimates. . Good UX design also engages your customers by ensuring their experiences are consistent, user-friendly and enjoyable. 

Students studying UX design learn how to create digital user experiences that are ready to be smoothly handed off to development teams. They’ll gain familiarity and fluency with design research fundamentals and learn how to synthesize research while using design sprints to take an idea from concept to low-fidelity prototype. 

Once completed, students will be able to design impactful user experiences for products in today’s digital world.

Choosing Your Best Courses for Business Teams

When building an enterprise upskill strategy and deciding on which courses for business teams to offer, consider what can bring the most value to your business and your employees. 

If you ensure that your plans cover skill development across a broad range of business units, you’ll be in a stronger position to face change as the demands of your company evolve.

Are you looking to build a workforce who can rise to the challenge of what’s ahead? 

Learn more about our Enterprise offerings and how Udacity can help.  

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