Blog Company News Happy Mother’s Day to Udacity Moms

Happy Mother’s Day to Udacity Moms

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With Mother’s Day around the corner, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate the Udacity moms who have transformed their lives with the skills they developed from our Nanodegree programs.

Herlina Toler, a mother of two, was out of work for more than seven years. After taking the Business Analytics Nanodegree program she was able to get a job as a data analyst. In her words, “In the interview session, I presented and showcased all the projects I did in this program…They seemed excited with what I brought to the table and as a result I got the job.”

Yamini Chandramouli transformed from a full-time parent into a working mom after completing the Front End Web Developer Nanodegree program. She leveraged the skills she learned to build a web-page as her resume that showcased her projects and technical work. She said, “This started getting me noticed by recruiters…after a really long struggle, I landed a full-time job as a junior data analyst.” 

“I wanted to be a successful mother and also have a career,” said Rehab Emam, a mother of two who lives in Egypt where only 19% of the labor force is female. After completing the Data Analyst and Digital Marketing Nanodegree programs, Rehab started contracting work as a freelancer before becoming the Head of Content and Knowledge at Omdena.”

Kudos to Herlina, Yamini, Rehab, and all of the moms out there who are making positive impacts on their lives, their families, and the world. You inspire us. Happy Mother’s Day!

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