Blog Artificial Intelligence 2022’s Hottest Enterprise AI Trends

2022’s Hottest Enterprise AI Trends

In the last few years, artificial intelligence (AI) in companies has moved from experimentation and proof of concept to being fully incorporated into the business. Now that AI is part of everyday work, both inside and outside tech companies. It will continue to grow and flourish, changing how we work and interact with data forever. 

The following four trends in AI are what you should keep your eye on in 2022.

Business Leaders Will Dictate the Use of AI

When AI was first introduced in companies, it was often an investigative project headed up by data scientists and analysts. Now that the concept has been proved successful and fully incorporated into products and practices, business leaders are starting to understand how it works and can be leveraged fully.

This understanding of artificial intelligence on a business level will mean that AI efforts can be streamlined into actionable work that helps accomplish specific business goals. Data departments that used to determine work based on the data they gathered will now be focused more on business deliverables decided by a leadership team.

Companies Will Focus Efforts on Scaling AI and ML

Now that AI has proven useful in businesses of all kinds, the next move will be to make it scalable. Spinning up machine learning components on the fly without any kind of standardization or best practices will likely no longer be permitted as it can be costly and add layers of security risk.

Instead, companies will focus on creating compartmentalized, reusable, and scalable best practice for any artificial intelligence or machine learning work. This will help make AI adoption within the business seamless and reduce the amount of overhead involved.

AI Will Increasingly Automate Work

Artificial intelligence and machine learning have demonstrated their value in helping businesses understand their customers better, but another avenue they can help out is by automating work. For the most part, AI can take over repetitive work and is often reported to be dull by people who do it. Think data entry, configuration, or front-line customer service.

Once AI can take over more repetitive, brainless tasks, workers will be able to focus their efforts on more creative, fulfilling, and impactful work within the company. It’s a win-win!

Enterprise Will Increase Hiring for AI and ML Experts

With AI becoming a critical part of products, business goals, and infrastructure, hiring more AI and ML experts to streamline and build up the processes will be more important than ever. According to a survey by CodinGame and CoderPad, AI and machine learning are some of the top three skills that recruiters are looking for this year.

As AI becomes more and more important for companies trying to win over the competition, businesses will need to prioritize building out their AI and ML teams. As a result, AI Engineers and ML Developers will become some of the most in-demand tech workers.

Learn More About AI Engineering Today

It’s clear that AI is here to stay. Businesses can now see the value in incorporating artificial intelligence and machine learning into their business practices and because of that, will be looking to hire as much AI Engineer talent as they can. With an average salary of over $165,000, becoming an AI Engineer is more appealing than ever.

To get started on your journey to a new career as an AI Engineer, check out Udacity’s School of AI that includes Nanodegree programs such as Machine Learning DevOps Engineer, Machine Learning Engineer for Microsoft Azure, and AI for Business Leaders. Or to upskill your workforce in AI, check out Udacity Enterprise.

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