Employees are the engine that drives a company forward. Each month in the US, 3 to 4.5 million employees quit their job, according to the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS). When employees feel engaged, they are more productive, have better morale, and are more likely to stay with the company for more extended periods.
WhaI is Employee Engagement?
Employee engagement is the level of interest and commitment an employee has toward their work. Engaged employees are more productive and less likely to leave for greener pastures. The key to greater engagement is taking care of your employees’ needs, such as providing them with opportunities for growth and development, setting clear expectations, and giving them autonomy over their work.
Why Does Employee Engagement Matter?
Your employees need to be engaged because it can significantly impact your bottom line. Employee engagement measures how happy and motivated employees are when they work. Engaging employees are more productive, cost less to train, and are more likely to stay with the company when offered incentives to leave.
Why You Should Measure Employee Engagement
Engagement can be measured by surveying employees to see if they are satisfied with their work, the culture of the company, and the leadership. Engaged employees are happier, more productive, and less likely to quit.
How to Increase Employee Engagement
There are three fundamental principles to maximizing employee engagement: autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Employers should give employees the chance to do things independently, even if they make mistakes.
Employers should allow employees to grow by giving them challenging tasks and projects that they can complete independently. They should ask employees what they want “to be excellent at” and make it happen by allocating time to pursue their interests. Employers should encourage employees to become part of the company’s vision and adopt the company’s values. Finally, employers should provide a purpose or meaning for employees’ work and ensure it is necessary within the organization.
Boost Employee Engagement With These Ways
Employee engagement is an essential measurement of how employees feel about their company. If your employees are engaged, they will be more productive, ultimately improving your bottom line. Here are some tips to encourage employee engagement at your company:
- Offer opportunities for employees to engage with each other and in the community
- Give discounts for employee wellness
- Provide opportunities for flexible work options
- Incorporate digital talent transformation
- Offer employee training
Employee Engagement Leads to Growth Opportunities
Employee engagement means engaging employees within the company to achieve desired company goals.
Employee engagement benefits include a happier, more productive employee and a healthier work environment. Employee satisfaction is a critical component of engagement and how engaged employees are in their work. The crucial difference between engagement and disengagement is that disengagement happens when an employee does not feel like their work is valued by the organization and becomes closed off from others. On the other hand, engagement opens up growth opportunities and improves employee satisfaction.
Employee engagement is a term that encompasses the number of employees who are emotionally, intellectually, and physically invested in their work. Click here to learn more about Udacity’s course that engages employees.