Blog Enterprise Learning and Development Why Customer Service Week Matters to Udacity

Why Customer Service Week Matters to Udacity

Customer Service Week is a nationwide campaign to acknowledge and build awareness about the importance of customer service in the American economy. This year, we’re participating as we work with customers daily to create digital transformation in their lives. Here’s why customer service is so critical for Udacity and why it’s such an integral part of who we are as a company.

Why Customer Service Week Is Important

Customer Service Week is a great way to make an impact and a difference while giving back and showing appreciation. 

We’re working to make service a big part of the Udacity company culture, and we hope you’ll join us on this mission! This year, we gathered feedback from our students about their experiences with our customer service team. Here are some of the responses our students gave us:

“Arjun was not only helpful but also made me feel good about taking a course with Udacity that made me concrete my mind to keep working on the program until I can complete it. Instead of giving up all. Thanks!!! 200% helpful! I had so much more help and info from him!!”

“Camila was super sweet and friendly in her reply, at the same time professional and to the point. It isn’t easy to convey human emotions through plain text, but she knew how to deliver that. It was a pleasure for me to receive her reply. She did solve my issue and left me feeling good and motivated, hence the sincere rating. Thank you, Camila!”

How Udacity Helps People Become Better Customer Service Professionals

Customer Service Week matters to Udacity for many reasons. First off, we connect with our customers by training the world’s workforce for a career in technology. Udacity also helps people get back into the workforce by giving them a competitive advantage. Finally, people learning in Udacity Connect want to work at Udacity, so they’re already qualified for our jobs.

What This Means For Udacity’s Future

Having a great customer support team is crucial to the future of Udacity. They can handle various inquiries, from technical questions about our products to billing issues, with care and professionalism. The Customer Service Week initiative is a perfect way to show appreciation for our customer service staff by allowing them to get together, meet new people, and enjoy themselves.

This year, customer service week is a virtual company-wide celebration held via our internal communication channel. The customer service team got together to celebrate how Udacity is working to become the leading project-based learning organization. It accomplishes this by collaborating with industry partners, developing projects to solve real-world problems, and partnering with other organizations to create new projects.

Udacity Student Support Team has outperformed other “best-in-class” customer service teams as evidenced by the following: 

  • Over 100k student issue tickets have been solved to date.
  • 89.4% CSAT compared to an industry average of 88% — and this excellent customer satisfaction was achieved despite a 58% increase in ticket volume
  • 39% median full resolution time reduction (7.37hrs to 4.48hrs)

Customer service is not only about customers – it’s about the organization, too. Organizations cannot be successful if their employees don’t feel valued. We want our employees to have a voice and to know that they are contributing to something bigger than themselves. 

Our recent mention in Zendesk speaks to the importance of responsiveness within the realm of customer service. In 2020, Udacity achieved the ultimate customer support goal—adapting to a dramatic increase in traffic while improving CSAT. Through Zendesk’s Enterprise Suite, Udacity drove award-winning customer service improvements, including a 75% drop in first response time and a significant ROI.

Customer service impacts the success of an organization by affecting everything from recruitment and retention to productivity. It determines how an organization treats its customers, its employees, and the wider community. Treating employees well is not just good for them – it’s good for the business. We want to build a better business.

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