css - HTML

HTML Hub: Anything and Everything You Need to Know

Welcome to the HTML hub! This guide will provide you with an exhaustive list of everything that you need to know about HTML— one of the most vital programming languages for creating and designing web pages today.

You’ll find everything from HTML basics, to creative more advanced HTML techniques in this guide. This is a living document so please come back and visit us as we continue to add more published content.

All HTML Content Located in One Place


Continue to Express Your Creativity Through HTML

HTML is the foundation of the web page and the creative aspects are incredible. For those who love to design and build, and at the same time pay attention to detail in the visual space, then HTML is for you. Here at Udacity, we build on the foundation and continue to explore this creative environment that holds limitless possibilities. 

Take the Next Step Into Creative Web Design

The links on this page provide you with a springboard into the world of creative web design. This is a starting point into your future of becoming an accomplished and proactive web page designer where the limits of web design are only limited to your own creativity. HTML offers endless possibilities to expand your mind, as well as your career in the tech world. 

We will continue to explore other areas of HTML design in upcoming blogs. We hope this introduction has piqued your interest and inspired you to explore further and dive deeper into the world of web design.

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