Tech Tips Archives


How to Become a Computer Programmer

Computer programming skills are in high demand by employers around the world, so it’s a great time...

How to Build an App: First Steps

Learn how to build an app, and transform your creative idea into a finished product that people...

Running Code on Real Robots

Udacity, KUKA, and KIT have partnered to develop an innovative new way for Robotics Software Engineer Nanodegree...

Mythbusting ‘Fail Fast’: How to Fail Better, Dare Greatly, and Learn Fast

The 'fail fast' mantra is everywhere in Silicon Valley, but as X's Obi Felten explains, we don't...

6 Reasons Why Developers Should Learn Kotlin

The professional and business benefits for learning Kotlin are compelling. It improves developers’ productivity, makes debugging easier...

5 Ways to Network Well

It is virtually impossible to overestimate the importance of networking when discussing the job search process. You...