Product Management Archives


Product Manager Nanodegree program: What’s changed? Why enroll?

Udacity released the Product Manager Nanodegree program in March of 2020, in response to the explosive growth...

Breaking Into IT Project Management

Since the advent of the internet, technology has taken on an increasingly key role in our everyday...

Udacity’s Growth Product Manager Nanodegree Program is Here

Udacity is excited to introduce the newest addition to our School of Product Management: the Growth Product...

Diving into the Product Manager Role with Aubrey Cattell, Adobe VP of Product

As business leaders fill more Artificial Intelligence, Cloud, and Data Analytics positions in their organizations, the need...

Early Access to Course 2 of Our Data Product Manager ND Launches Today

In keeping with our mission to upskill the workforce of tomorrow, we’re excited to announce that we’re...

Top Trends in Product Management to Watch

Five years ago, the role of the product manager was unclear. Some companies conflated product managers with...