So your company has grown and you’ve reached a point where you need to hire a data architect. According to, 22,694 people have clicked on “data architect” job postings. There are currently 710,731 candidates with information design experience included on their resumes. And 1,296 job postings for data architects have received clicks.
Here’s what you need to know about the hiring process and how to create the best job listing in order to attract the best applicants.
What’s a Data Architect?

Bringing a data architect to your team will help clean up all your data problems. They will be able to build you a custom data infrastructure that smooths your workflow. Data architects create and apply data architecture, which is how data is stored. This architecture determines how the data can be accessed and managed. You want to hire a data architect that will help you make sense of your data while being able to understand both your business and the latest data technology.
How Much Do Data Architects Take Home?
Let’s talk numbers first. reports that data architects in the United States make an average salary of $159,664 annually. Here’s a small breakdown to help you figure out how much you should expect to pay for a data architect for your budget:
Salary According to Location:
And Salaries According to Experience:
0-1 Year of Experience: $132,757
1-3 Years of Experience: $135,201
7-9 Years of Experience: $158,328
Skills Necessary For a Career in Data Architecture
A data architect will be a big expense, so let’s review exactly what you should expect from them when going through the interview process. When drafting your job description for a data architect, you should be detailed in your list of exactly what kind of work you need from them.
The essential thing to look for in a candidate’s resume and to ask about during interviews are:
- Bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field
- Knowledge of SQL, NoSQL, and Python
- Ability to create data models
- The difference in database systems
- How to back up and recover data
- Clear communication skills with stakeholders and partners
- Ability to concisely communicate about business and IT needs
- Understanding of data storage, integration, management, and organization
- Ability to describe their work with data ingestion, database optimization, and performance tuning
- Experience with data modeling, data governance, data analysis, innovation, data standard, and metadata
Learn More About Data Architecture
Some other keywords to use in your job description and to look out for in resumes are data engineer, data architect, and data modeler. These are related jobs that could attract someone who has the knowledge and flexibility to take on the role of a data architect. Your ideal candidate will be able to work comfortably on both the business and technical side of data, all while being able put you at ease and help you understand what is going on with your company.
Learn how to plan, design and implement enterprise data infrastructure solutions and create the blueprints for your organization’s data success with the Data Architect Nanodegree program.