Blog Enterprise L&D and Radical Talent Transformation — What’s the Difference?

L&D and Radical Talent Transformation — What’s the Difference?

At first glance, learning and development (L&D) programs and radical talent transformation might sound like they’re the same thing. While both describe how businesses can train and educate their workers, radical talent transformation is another level of upskilling and digital transformation readiness..

To understand the actual differences between your average L&D programs and the kind of radical talent transformation Udacity provides enterprise companies, it’s key to look at how weak points in your organization are addressed, the type of content used for L&D, and how program feedback is incorporated. 

Understanding Weak Points

Every company has its weak points. For some, it may be incorporating data or cybersecurity. For others, it might be an organizational-level issue, like encouraging a culture of learning within the company and prioritizing upskilling. While a regular home-baked L&D strategy can try to address some of these problems, they often fail to focus on the correct issues.

The first step in radical talent transformation that Udacity takes when working with a new company is a thorough skills analysis. This step helps to identify areas for improvement from an outside party. Next, a plan is created by working together to identify ways to reach your organization’s goals through building a digital talent strategy based on findings from the skills analysis.

Top Tier Tech Content 

Top-quality on-the-job learning is a critical benefit that workers look for when looking for a new job or deciding to stay at a current one. In order to attract the best available workers and keep the amazing ones you have, it’s critical to invest in radical talent transformation. Companies that fail to attract and attain the best digital talent will fall behind as other companies excel in digital transformation.

Home-brewed learning programs can be a great way to save money on L&D, but if your goal is to offer the very best digital training for upskilling, it’s key to use learning resources from seasoned professionals. Udacity’s Nanodegree programs are formed with input from top industry professionals who work at places like Google, Amazon, and Insight. Through their experience, Udacity’s Nanodegree programs can include the most cutting-edge technology and be framed around real-world projects to help cement the learning.

Results-Driven Approach

According to the Talent Transformation Global Impact Report, 80% of enterprise companies surveyed evaluated their own L&D programs as successful while only 55% of employees interviewed agreed with that assessment. This massive gap in opinion on current L&D shows that enterprise companies are falling behind when it comes to their training programs. 

To have a successful radical talent transformation, it’s critical to establish an open line of feedback from employees. This feedback can then be incorporated into training to help them work better and find the desired results. Udacity can facilitate this kind of feedback cycle by practicing radical talent transformation at scale in a systematic way.

Begin Radical Talent Transformation Today

If you’re interested in taking your L&D programs to the next level, it might be time to begin radical talent transformation. By partnering with Udacity, you’ll see benefits in how your organization’s talents are assessed, the content of the training being delivered, and how the results are measured and incorporated. Check out Udacity for Enterprise today to get started.

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