Blog Enterprise 6 Ways to Show Employee Appreciation

6 Ways to Show Employee Appreciation

One of the ways to show appreciation for your employees is by honoring their personal and professional accomplishments. Over 41% of respondents in a recent Bonusly study say favoritism among employees from management makes them feel the most unappreciated. Another 39 percent cite a lack of communication and recognition from the higher-ups. 

For example, a company might host an awards ceremony on a quarterly basis where managers recognize and award employees who have gone above and beyond in the last quarter. Even a simple gesture like this can make a big difference in morale and productivity.

1. Give Recognition

Let your employee know they are doing a good job. This doesn’t need to be in a public forum. You can do it privately and in person, or by sending them an email or text message. It’s important to let your employees know they are doing a good job. We all work better when we feel appreciated and appreciated coworkers are more engaged in their jobs.

Even if an employee doesn’t know they are doing a good job, help them see that they are. The best way to do this is through one-on-one contact. This can be done by telling them privately and in person, or you can send them an email or text message.

2. Deliver Performance Feedback

Try to catch them when they’re doing something right and give them feedback about how that made you feel. 

  • Be available for your employees: Make it clear that you want to help them succeed and be there for them if they reach out for support. 
  • Be flexible: When possible, let your employees work from home or provide flexible hours so they can better balance their work and personal obligations. 
  • Offer meaningful benefits: Showcase your company’s benefits package to show what’s available

3. Goals for the Year

Writing down goals for the year is a great way to show your employees that you value their work. The goals should be specific, demanding and rewarding so that your employees will get excited about achieving them. 

For example, if your goal is to increase revenue by 10% this year, give each of your employees their individual percentage contribution and make a plan to celebrate at the end of the year when they achieve the goal.

4. Celebrating Successes

Take time to celebrate with your employees. Share the successes that your employees have had with others in order to boost morale and make them feel appreciated. When you take the time to recognize the good work of your employees, it inspires them to do their best every day and stay committed.

5. Recognizing Efforts and Accomplishments

A lot of people think that appreciation means giving a gift. But really, it’s just about acknowledging accomplishments and thanking employees for all they do. You might not have time to do this every day, but try to find at least one way to show your team that you appreciate them. It could be as simple as sending an email out reminding them to take care of themselves after a long day of work or sending a card or thank you note their way once in a while.

Whether you are connecting with employees virtually or in person, Udacity offers a wide variety of courses that can serve as rewards and appreciation for your employees. Connect with our Enterprise team to learn more about our course offerings. 

6. Offer Employee Development Opportunities

It’s a great way to thank your employees for their hard work and dedication. It also helps you maintain talent as they’re exposed to new skills and gain more experience. However, with the plethora of employee development opportunities to offer, it’s hard to choose just one. Offer your employees important skills such as digital marketing, UX Design, and web development opportunities that will help them upskill and also allow them to contribute to the growth of the company.

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