Udacity is excited to introduce the newest addition to our School of Programming and Development: the Intermediate JavaScript Nanodegree program. If you’ve already taken the free Intro to JavaScript course, or the Front End Web Developer Nanodegree program and already have relevant beginner’s experience, and wish to expand your knowledge of the programming language, this is the program for you.

What is JavaScript Used for?

JavaScript is the most popular programming language used for web development. It has consistently been rated as the top language on StackOverflow and is also the most common language used for open source projects on GitHub. Odds are, most web development job descriptions you find online will list JavaScript as a required skill.

Since the creation of JavaScript in 1995, the language has evolved and extended its reach. It can be used for front end web development, back end server-side programs, mobile applications, and even some embedded systems.

Countless frameworks and libraries have been developed for JavaScript. A few popular ones include:

  • React — Library for building user interfaces
  • Redux — State container for JavaScript applications
  • Node.js — Server-side platform
  • Express — Web framework (for Node.js)

To be an intermediate-level web developer, your knowledge of JavaScript must go beyond simple syntax and libraries. You’ll need to have mastery of more advanced skills related to object-oriented JavaScript, functional programming, data transformation, and asynchronous programming.

Many of the websites and applications you use on a daily basis — such as Google, Facebook, and Slack — are built with JavaScript. JavaScript is everywhere, and it’s only growing in popularity, which is why the Intermediate JavaScript Developer Nanodegree program is a must for anyone looking to further their career as a developer.

Program Details

The Intermediate JavaScript Nanodegree program will prepare you to take on more senior roles as a developer. The projects in this program will help you understand JavaScript in-depth and give you first-hand experience working with complex JavaScript concepts.

First, you will learn how to use object-oriented JavaScript to build applications with reusable and maintainable code. Then, you will learn about Functional Programming and why it is currently a trending programming paradigm. Finally, you will expand your JavaScript knowledge with advanced concepts in asynchronous programming, including callbacks, Promises, and Async/wait.

To get the most out of this course, it’s important to have some prior experience with programming and JavaScript. You must be able to understand and use JavaScript types, conditions, loops, and objects (syntax and structure), as well as declare functions and have a basic understanding of Chrome DevTools. If you’re not quite there yet, we recommend the Intro to JavaScript course that’s free on Udacity!

In as little as 3 months (at 10 hours a week), students who learn JavaScript will learn how to build classes to construct objects that encapsulate data and functionality while keeping data safe and secure. They will gain a thorough understanding of common JavaScript methods for data transformation and learn how to implement the functional programming paradigm. At the end of this course, students will be comfortable designing and implementing asynchronous programming using JavaScript Promises.

Specific projects include:

Project 1: Create a User-generated Infographic
Use OOP and DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) coding concepts to read user data from a form that will be used to create and modify objects, then append the final infographic to the DOM. In this project, you will gain experience creating objects and interacting with them.

Project 2: Create a Mars Rover Dashboard
Use data from NASA Mars rovers (via the NASA API) to build out a dashboard using functional programming and ES6 syntax concepts from course 2. In this project, you will gain experience interacting with an API to gather data and creating a front end user interface in the form of a dashboard.

Project 3: Build a UdaciRacer Simulation Game
Complete a partially finished single-player racing game using callbacks, Promises, and Async/wait concepts covered in course No.3. In this project, you will create API requests, finish asynchronous logic glows, and add a theme. At the end of the project, you will be able to play through your completed game!

Learn JavaScript from Top Developers

To develop this program’s world-class curriculum, we collaborated with professionals from top-rated tech companies, like Google. Each of these collaborators contributed guidance and feedback to focus the program on the most in-demand skills. Each of the instructors has extensive JavaScript development and teaching experience.


Enroll Today

If you’re a software developer looking to learn JavaScript, work on more advanced applications, or wish to have a competitive edge in interviews, this is the Nanodegree for you. This program is also perfect for students wishing to gain experience through projects while building a career as a web developer.

People with JavaScript expertise are in extremely high demand. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) expects 13% job growth between 2018 and 2028 for web developers. While BLS reports a median pay of around $75,000 for web developers in 2019, Glassdoor reports a median of over $90,000 in San Francisco and surrounding areas.

With Udacity’s combination of hands-on project-centric learning, one-on-one mentorship, and industry-aligned careers services, there’s no better way to meet the demand than by registering today for the Intermediate JavaScript Nanodegree program. Enroll now to learn more!

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