Blog School of Programming Stories of success for Full Stack & Front End Web Developer Nanodegree Programs

Stories of success for Full Stack & Front End Web Developer Nanodegree Programs

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Last week, Udacity launched the newest generation of two of our longest running and most popular Nanodegree programs: the Full Stack and Front End Web Developer Nanodegree programs. The latest versions of these Nanodegree programs include new instructors, brand new projects, and a complete technology refresh to ensure students continue to learn essential web development skills with cutting-edge tools. 

Since these programs first launched almost five years ago, over 27,000 students have used Udacity’s web development curriculum and projects to power their careers. Hear directly from them how these Nanodegree programs helped our students reach their career goals: 

Front End Web Developer Nanodegree Program Students

Lucia Gonzalez

For me, the best thing is to see you can build something. At first, when you’re learning something difficult, it obviously feels very new and strange. But when you see that you CAN build something with it, that you CAN complete the project and see the result, that’s amazing. It makes what you’re learning so much more tangible.”

Michael Grandori

“Military life can be very rewarding but is almost always physically demanding and has a very unpredictable schedule. I hope that a career in programming will allow me the flexibility to make up for that lost time. I decided I should supplement my web authoring classes from ASU with a more comprehensive and code-focused curriculum that Udacity offered.”

Lei Zhu

“This ended over a year of frustration of on-and-off learning with JavaScript—in the past, I read books and tutorials, but projects would often stall because I lacked real guidance and support. I never truly knew how to make my own applications until completing this Udacity project.”

Ibrahim El-bastawisi

“After graduating from the Nanodegree program, I had a good portfolio with some real-world applications, that encouraged me to seek a job.”

Enroll Today in Udacity’s
Front End Web Developer Nanodegree Program

Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree Program Students

Kevin Scott

“I believe a couple of factors contributed to my selection: first, having real projects that can be seen on GitHub (not just academic projects) and, second, seeing a strong thirst to learn. I think the right mix of those two qualities really made the difference.”

Samuel Almeida

“The recruiters had heard about Udacity, of course, but they had never interviewed a Udacity graduate before. I think they were amazed at the range of skills and hands-on experience I had on my resume, and my ability to apply it to an actual problem!”

Richard Morgan

“What I really liked about Udacity’s offering was that it focused on the topics I’d need to know to make a living. It really was the only program with a direct focus on jobs, and this was so important for me and my family.”

Andrew Huschka

“While I was studying, one thing I found especially useful when I got stuck on a problem was being able to turn to the student community.”

Varun Joshi

“I was able to build cool apps on my own and my confidence was on the high and it finally led to my first job. I started searching for a job soon after graduating from my Nanodegree… Udacity is not just about the Nanodegree Programs and improving your coding skills, it improves your overall career path.”

Enroll Today in Udacity’s
Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree Program

With the enhancements we’ve made to our Front End and Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree programs, there’s sure to be even more success stories in the coming months – including your own! 

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