Self-Driving Car Sneak Preview - Project

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Free Sneak Preview of our Self-Driving Car Nanodegree Program!

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Self-Driving Car Sneak Preview

We officially have the opportunity of a lifetime for you.

You’ve heard about self-driving cars. You’ve read about self-driving cars. Depending on where you live, you may have even seen them driving themselves around. You may also know Udacity teaches people to become Self-Driving Car engineers. We even have our own self-driving car, and our students are contributing actual code! That’s right. We are building the world’s first open-source self-driving car. Our program is groundbreaking in every sense of the word—there’s no other opportunity quite like it out there.

Today, you can find out what all the excitement is about. Yes, you. Everyone. Every single person in the entire world is invited into our Self-Driving Car Nanodegree program classroom for a free sneak preview!

Experience the Self-Driving Car Nanodegree Program classroom today!

We’re not kidding. Starting today, and until Monday, April 24th at 11:59 PM PDT, you can enter our classroom, and discover how our students learn and master these transformational technologies. You can access the program’s first week of content yourself. You can even do the first project in the program!* No application process, no prerequisites, no previous experience required.

Self-Driving Car Sneak Preview - Project

Note: you won’t be able to actually submit the project or receive an expert review on your work—that’s reserved for enrolled students!

This program is literally a life-changing experience. Just ask Patrick Kern, Oren Meiri, Caleb Kirksey, and Robert Ioffe. They’re current students, and they’ve ALREADY gotten jobs in the field! And self-driving cars aren’t just life-changing at the individual level. They’re projected to change everyone’s lives, from drastically reducing needless injury and death from accidents, to healing the environment.

It is with incredible excitement that we invite you to come experience learning as you’ve never experienced it before. Autonomous vehicle technology is one of the most transformational technologies of our time, and the students in this program today are on their way to becoming the next generation of innovators who are going to shape the future for all of us. This is your chance to experience firsthand how these amazing learning journeys begin. Enter the classroom. Access the content. Build the first project. This could be YOUR life-changing moment.

If, like so many others, you suddenly have the realization that THIS is what you want to do with your life, there is still time to apply for the full program. But don’t delay. Applications close when the preview ends.

As for today, just come into the classroom. Come in, and discover how the future begins.

Self-Driving Car program - project intro

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