Blog Learners Kick Off Your Career in C++

Kick Off Your Career in C++

According to, the demand for C++ developers will grow by 21%, creating 284,100 jobs in the United States alone between 2018 and 2028. also reports that a C++ developer typically makes $114,543 a year in the US, with salaries as high as $286K. 

Now is a good time to make the move into developing your programming and coding skills if you are looking to keep up with the latest technologies, improve your skillset, and make a career change to C++ development.

What Is a C++ Developer?

C++ is a programming language and a C++ developer should be able to expertly build it. C++ developers are people who can design and then build applications for computers and smartphones. They also communicate with stakeholders in the company about what they want so they can create applications that are useful in company productivity

What Does It Take to Become a C++ Developer?

Being a C++ developer requires knowledge of object-oriented programming languages, and how to translate that into solutions for problems happening in the “real world.” They must create and try out procedures on platforms to make sure that technical issues don’t occur. They also must have good skills in troubleshooting and of course, excellent attention to every tiny detail.

C++ Developer Qualifications

We’ve compiled a list of the top ten most requested qualities in a c++ developer candidate from various job postings floating around the web, which include:

  1. Works collaboratively with others who are also working in software as well as stakeholders within the company 
  1. Loves learning about what trends are happening in the world of software development
  1. Being able to program using Java, Python, as well as C (so you can have a complete awareness of how the cycle of software development works)
  1. Ability to code, test, and integrate document software solutions
  1. Has a good understanding of computer science, engineering, and analytics of mathematics while developing solutions to complex problems
  1. A self-starter who can define the scope and schedule themselves and self-initiates projects
  1. Ability to become a leader and give direction to the employees who are at a lower level
  1. Is able to keep up with trends in technology and is excited about new ideas and improvements
  1. Develop custom C++ software codes, debug, troubleshoot, resolve software/hardware compatibility and operational problems
  1. Uses data structure, software engineering, OOD, and C++ programming techniques

What You Need to Know as a C++ Developer

In order to prepare for your job interview as a c++ developer, these are the most common terms interviewers need you to be able to easily identify and be familiar with:

  • Namespace
  • Inputting a string in C++
  • Different data types that are in C++
  • Differences between C and C++
  • Class & object
  • Operator overloading
  • Polymorphism
  • Constructor
  • friend class and a friend function
  • Static members and static member functions 
  • Deep copy and shallow copy
  • Void pointers
  • Allocating and deallocating memory

Start Your Career in C++ Development

Learn C++, a high-performance programming language used in the world’s most exciting engineering jobs — from self-driving cars and robotics to web browsers, media platforms, servers, and even video games. Start learning C++ with Udacity’s C++ Nanodegree today.


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