Blog Learners 4 Ways to Build Product Management Skills

4 Ways to Build Product Management Skills

Glassdoor recently ranked product management as No. 3 in their 50 Best Jobs in America for 2021 list. Product managers also earn a reported $112,000-plus a year on average in the U.S. Plus, Product Managers act as a pillar in any company because they work cross-functionally with product, business and marketing teams.

But how do you break into the product management field? Colleges don’t typically offer a major in project management, which only leaves majoring in business administration or information technology (IT) — neither of which truly hit the nail on the head for training. 

The best move is to take online product management training courses, like the ones offered through Udacity’s School of Product Management.

Here are the top four reasons why product management training is the best way to get started on a new career in product management.

Build a Product Management Portfolio to Showcase Your Skills

It can be difficult to start a new career (or pivot an existing one to a new role) without any prior professional experience. Even seemingly entry-level project management roles can say they look for 2-to 3-years of experience. The best way to get around that is by creating a portfolio of real-world projects to showcase your skills.

If you enroll in product management training through Udacity, you will complete multiple real-world projects by the end of your Nanodegree program. For example, the Product Manager Nanodegree program includes four projects that cover the whole range of the product life cycle: strategy, design, development and launch.

Use Industry-standard Product Management Software and Tools

Product managers are in charge of coordinating and organizing a lot of different things during their everyday work. To do that, product managers typically use a number of different software programs to help. Every company is different, so the tools may vary, but getting experience in a few is always a good call. 

A good product management course will give you experience in:

  • A roadmap tool, like Aha! or ProductPlan
  • A tool for product analysis, like Amplitude or Fullstory
  • Project management tools, like Jira, Trello or Clubhouse

For more information on tools you should learn as a PM, check out this roundup by ProductPlan.

Make Connections with Other Product Managers

Sometimes the best way to break into an industry is to meet other people who already work in the role you want. By taking a product management course, you’ll meet instructors, mentors and other students who can help you out.

If you take a course through Udacity’s School of Product Management, you’ll be taught by industry professionals who are able to share information about their years of experience in the role. Plus, you’ll also receive community and mentor support to connect with others in the field. 

Ensure Your Product Management Skills Are Relevant

Even if you already work as a product manager, taking a product management course can still be valuable. The tools and strategies for product management are constantly evolving, especially as the role grows more and more relevant. In order to keep your skills fresh, consider taking a course to fill in the gaps.

Your New Career in Product Management

Really excelling at a career requires continual learning. So whether you’re just starting out as a product manager, or looking to refresh your skills, product management training is a great idea. Enroll in our School of Product Management today!

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