Blog New Product Releases Learn AI Fundamentals and Microsoft Azure for Free with Udacity

Learn AI Fundamentals and Microsoft Azure for Free with Udacity

As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes even more prevalent in our daily lives, understanding the technology and its applications becomes increasingly beneficial. With that in mind, Udacity is excited to introduce a brand new free course that covers the basics of AI — AI Fundamentals. 

In the AI Fundamentals course, students will learn foundational concepts around AI and machine learning (ML), and how to implement those learnings with Microsoft Azure.

What is Microsoft Azure?

Microsoft Azure is a low-code cloud platform that offers hundreds of products and services for building high-tech and modern tools. With Azure, it’s possible to store data, create and train ML models and even build a fully functional AI bot with very little coding experience. What’s more, the demand for Azure skills has grown 58 percent annually since 2017. 

Why Learn About AI?

There’s never been a better time to learn about AI. According to the 2020 LinkedIn Learning Report, AI specialist is the top in-demand job. The salary matches that demand, with the average AI Engineer salary reported to be over $114,000. 

AI Fundamentals: Course Details

The AI Fundamentals course is a free basics-level course, so there are very few prerequisites. You can be a technical or nontechnical student and still get value from the course. 

There is no required previous experience with AI or ML, though it is recommended to be familiar with a scripting language (like Python), and the basics of linear algebra, probability and statistics.

In as little as one month at 20 hours a week, students who enroll in the free AI Fundamentals course will learn five lessons:

  • AI and ML Core Concepts — Understand the basic definitions of AI and ML, the connection between them and learn about the common types of AI and ML workloads.
  • Machine Learning — Identify the core components of datasets, map ML algorithms to specific problem cases, understand various ML approaches, learn how to train and deploy a ML model using Azure ML Automated ML. 
  • Computer Vision — Learn about computer vision workloads and understand the capabilities of various services, including custom vision, face recognition and form recognition.
  • Natural Language Processing — Learn about Azure’s text analytics service, speech service and language understanding service.
  • Conversational AI — Identify use cases for conversational AI, learn how to create, train and test a bot using Azure.

Enroll Today

If you’re interested in data science and AI, this course is the perfect introduction. After completing AI Fundamentals, you can go on to complete the Azure AI Fundamentals certification, take the Machine Learning Engineer for Microsoft Azure Nanodegree program or any other Nanodegree Program in the School of AI.

With Udacity’s hands-on, project-centric approach to learning, there’s no better way to get started in AI. Register for the free AI Fundamentals course today!

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