For loop - javascript - Javascript For loop

The Many Types of Javascript For Loop

“For loops” are programming statements that examine every element an object contains. The Javascript standard contains multiple types of for loops. You can apply each one in a different programming context.

All Javascript for loops have the same basic structure. They start with the word “for” followed by an iteration method in parentheses. Instructions for manipulating elements come between curly braces after the iteration method.

This article describes what for loops do, how they work in different Javascript frameworks, and how to choose the best for loop for your program.

Javascript for loop syntax looks like this in code:

for (iteration method) {
    ... instructions ...

Javascript For Loops in the ECMA Standard

Simple For Loop

The simplest type of for loop increments a variable as its iteration method. The variable acts as a counter for every “n”th element within an object.

In this simple Javascript for loop example, the variable “i” increases once every time the loop is run. The loop prints out the contents of an array in order, one at a time.

for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {

The loop could also be written in a way that explicitly shows what the “n”th object is. Since the previous example increased its variable by 1 each time it looped, n = 1.

for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i=i+1) {

To look at something other than every object, all you have to do is change the number “n”. So, use “i+2” to look at every second object, “i+3” to look at every third object, and so on. This logic works with any simple arithmetic operation you use to examine elements, whether it’s addition, subtraction, or even multiplication.

For-In Loop

The for-in loop always loops over an object’s elements one by one. These names can be array indexes or key-value pairs.

The syntax for the Javascript for-in loop is:

for (let i in object) {

If the object is an array, the for-in loop will print out the array indexes in order. If the object contains key-value pairs, the for-in loop will print out each key that exists. The for-in loop does not guarantee that keys within key-value pairs will always be accessed in the same order.

For-Of Loop

The for-of loop is similar to the for-in loop because it loops over an object’s elements one by one. Compared to the for-in loop, it is newer and automatically uses an iterator.

The syntax for the Javascript for-of loop is:

for (let i of object) {

If the object is an array, the for-of loop will print out the values of the array’s indexes in order. If the object contains key-value pairs, the for-of loop will print out every value that exists.

Like the for-in loop, the for-of loop does not guarantee that keys within key-value pairs will always be accessed in the same order. The for-of loop also is not a replacement for the for-in loop.

A good way to tell the for-of loop and for-in loop apart is to remember which data they return. The for-of loop returns values, while the for-in loop returns keys or indexes.

For-Await-Of Loop

The for-await-of loop is used when you need to iterate over asynchronous objects or functions. It can return values from objects and the results of function calls. You should never use it on synchronous objects or functions.

The syntax for the Javascript for-await-of loop is similar to the for-of loop, except that it has the keyword “await” before its iteration method:

for await (let i of object) {

Javascript For Loops in Common Frameworks

Angular.js For Loop

The Angular.js framework supports all of the Javascript for loop types listed in the Javascript standard. In addition, it has a specialized for loop of its own called “forEach”.

The forEach loop syntax is dramatically different from the other loop types we’ve covered so far. A forEach loop is a function built into Angular.js, rather than a simple control structure. You must pass the object to iterate over, and a function that explains what to do with the object’s elements, into the forEach function. 

In the following example, you can see an object with three keys printed out on the console.

let values = {"a": "one", "b": "two", "c": "three"};
angular.forEach(values, function(value, key) {
    console.log(key + ": " + value);

The Angular.js forEach loop can also take an optional parameter called a “context.” A context is an external variable that you can use to manipulate the contents of the object you loop over.

This example fills the array “myContext” with the object keys while it’s printing the object’s information to the console. The function that handles the object uses the keyword “this” to refer to the “myContext” array.

let values = {"a": "one", "b": "two", "c": "three"};
let myContext = [];
angular.forEach(values, function(value, key) {
    console.log(key + ": " + value);
}, myContext);

JQuery For Loop

JQuery lets you use all of the standard Javascript for loop variations. It does not have its own explicit for loop variant, but it does have specialized methods for iteration called “each” and “map”.

The JQuery documentation recommends that you use the “each” and “map” methods whenever possible for iterating over objects. For loops cannot iterate over some specialized JQuery objects, so the “each” and “map” functions are effective replacements in those cases.

A for loop using “each” in a general sense would look like this, using a function to describe what should be done with an object’s elements:

$.each(object, function(key, value) {

A for loop using “each” on a specialized JQuery object, such as a collection of values, looks a little different. The “each” method understands that each element in the collection is its context, which is referred to by the “this” keyword. As mentioned earlier, Angular.js also uses this mechanism with for loops.

$("p").each(function(i, element) {

The “map” methods function in the same way as “each,” except that they handle key-value pairs rather than single elements.

Choosing the Right For Loop

Although for loops are all a type of iteration mechanism, different types have different specific behaviors. Choosing the wrong type of Javascript for loop can cause unexpected results and introduce bugs that are tricky to fix.

Whenever you use a Javascript framework like Angular or JQuery, it’s almost always better to use the for loops variations built into the framework. If you’re ever in doubt, refer to the framework’s documentation.

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Jessica Reuter Castrogiovanni
Jessica Reuter Castrogiovanni