Blog School of Programming JavaScript Developer: Is This the Job for You?

JavaScript Developer: Is This the Job for You?

You can’t talk about software development today without mentioning JavaScript. It’s the most in-demand IT skill for a reason: It has limitless potential in terms of what you can build.

JavaScript developers are on the rise across every industry, so it’s no surprise that this programming language is gaining popularity among people looking to upskill or change careers. But is it the right fit for you? Let’s take a look at what the typical day of a JavaScript developer entails.

JavaScript is the #1 Programming Language

According to DevSkiller’s Top IT Skills Report 2020: Demand and Hiring Trends, Javascript is the most in-demand IT skill, surpassing SQL, HTML/CSS, and Java. This shows just how important front-end is to software development. In fact, 96.3% of all active websites use JavaScript. But why is it the most popular programming language?

JavaScript adds interactivity to websites. It’s an integral part of web functionality and is supported by all web browsers. But that’s not all –– it’s also extremely versatile in terms of what you can do. Javascript allows developers to utilize a slew of different libraries, frameworks, and plugins, like Angular or React, making coding more efficient, dynamic, and ultimately widening their capabilities.

What Does a JavaScript Developer Do?

A JavaScript developer is responsible for building the visual elements and behavior of a website. Essentially, they merge the art of design with the art of programming. They also make sure that the front-end is supported by the infrastructure of the back-end, which often requires them to work closely with front-end and back-end developers.

While the day to day of a JavaScript developer varies depending on the industry and company, many spend their days developing features, fixing bugs, and building libraries. 

Standard Job Responsibilities for a JavaScript Developer:

  • Develop new user-facing features
  • Build reusable code and libraries for future use
  • Ensure the technical feasibility of UI/UX designs
  • Optimize applications for maximum speed and scalability
  • Assure that all user input is validated before submitting to back-end services
  • Collaborate with other team members and stakeholders

Qualifications for a JavaScript Developer:

  • Experience using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build dynamic websites or web applications.
  • Experience with React, Angular, or Vue.
  • Strong knowledge of web markup, including HTML5 and CSS3.
  • Strong knowledge of native JavaScript, including ES5, ES6, and a strong understanding of browser compatibility implications. 
  • Proficiency with jQuery and Bootstrap frameworks.

Career Potential

Since JavaScript is a relatively new language, it’s constantly being updated. It’s also easy to learn since it doesn’t require any prior computer science knowledge, making it the perfect language to help you segway into a tech career.

In 2019, 72% of companies looked for JavaScript developers, proving just how sought after and valuable this skill is. It’s also the language that employers test for the most, so it’s a great tool for any developer to add to their repertoire. 

JavaScript Developer Salary

According to Glassdoor, the average base salary for a Javascript developer in San Francisco is $94,758. The range begins at $70,000 and goes up to $136,000.

Becoming a JavaScript developer won’t just prepare you for a stable job in tech, it can also lead to a variety of other career paths. Since the language is so universal, you have the ability to build a career that matches your unique skills and goals. With a strong JavaScript foundation, you can transition into a lot of other professions like becoming a front-end and back-end web developer, mobile app developer, and machine learning engineer.

Undoubtedly, becoming a JavaScript developer will make you highly employable and offer you great earning potential. If you’re interested in learning JavaScript, now is the perfect time to enroll in Udacity’s new Intermediate JavaScript Nanodegree program. If you want to learn some basic JavaScript skills before diving in, Udacity’s free Intro to JavaScript course is a great place to start.

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