Traits & Skills of a Successful Tech Entrepreneur

Blog School of Programming Traits & Skills of a Tech Entrepreneur [Infographic]

Traits & Skills of a Tech Entrepreneur [Infographic]

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Traits & Skills of a Successful Tech Entrepreneur

Successful entrepreneurs are either crazy, risk-embracing visionaries unafraid to gamble everything to bring their radical innovations to life, or they’re not.

Chances are, they’re not.

Owning your own successful business does require a bit of an independent streak perhaps, but what you really need are a broad set of skills, a good deal of relevant experience, and a willingness to try and try again.

There are probably as many reasons why people want to be entrepreneurs as there are new businesses launching, and while your journey will ultimately be unique to you, it can be very helpful to understand what motivates other like-minded travelers — what their challenges and opportunities are, and how they rise above the former and take advantage of the latter.

We know that entrepreneurship can be daunting, and that it might not be for everyone. But what’s critical to understand is that the skills and traits you need to succeed are learnable, attainable, and possible. That’s what this infographic is all about. Real people with real skills, building real products, and pursuing real dreams.



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Can you learn to be a successful entrepreneur? Absolutely. Our Tech Entrepreneur Nanodegree program teaches everything from ideation to marketing to monetization — all the building blocks of entrepreneurship. All that’s needed is you, and your motivation to succeed!

Interested in applying that motivation in new directions, and towards more goals? We’re here to partner with you no matter which direction your career path is heading next! Have a look at our Nanodegree program home page for more details about our range of offerings. Is Android development in your future? How about Data Analysis? Dream big, and Be In Demand!

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