Blog School of Programming Nanodegree Scholarships

Nanodegree Scholarships

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Let’s hear it for bringing effective, accessible, and affordable higher education to the world!

We’re excited to partner with industry employers and education experts to create nanodegree programs that will prepare graduates for careers in tech – starting with the Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree and Data Analyst Nanodegree.

Effective? Check! Industry employers endorse our project-based nanodegree curriculum and have reserved space for graduates to receive paid internships.

Accessible? Check! Nanodegree students have the flexibility to learn at their own pace, and new cohorts open every month.

Affordable? Check! Monthly subscriptions are $399, and scholarships are available.

Udacity offers nanodegree scholarships

Today, as unveiled at the President’s College Opportunity Day, we are excited to announce that Udacity is committed to offering up to 5,000 scholarships for the Nanodegree program! Along with AT&T, our pioneering partner, we will expand the current nanodegree scholarship program from 200 to an additional 1,000 students.  Google plans to be a sponsor for these new scholarships followed by other companies.

Learn more about our latest scholarship programs.

Start LearningToday’s tech workers are becoming lifelong learners as they continuously update their skills to keep up with employer’s needs. As “work” becomes a synonym for “learn,” we couldn’t be more excited to offer nanodegrees for students to gain the skills they need for their dream careers.

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