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Meet Pack!

Meet Pack Heng, an Executive Search Consultant and a recent Udacity graduate from Intro to Computer Science. Pack has a Masters degree in Engineering in Electronics and Computer Science, as well as a Postdoc in the Architecture of Digital Systems. In his own words, Pack has had “an international journey as engineer, project manager and business development manager from France, the Netherlands to Australia.”Pack wanted a refresher on his computer programming skills and took Intro to Computer Science, where his final project impressed the Udacity Coaches so much that we want to share more of his story and study tips:

Study Tip: Use Stack Overflow & Forums

“I would suggest that you first find your own way to solve all quizzes and problems. Be curious about how you can improve your code to find an efficient solution – sites such as Stack Overflow come in handy. Discussion forums in the Udacity classroom are active and you should participate in them; you can learn a lot there as well.”

Apply Your Skills at Work

“What I’ve learned at Udacity allows me to better understand and articulate my clients’ needs when they want to hire people with computer science skills.”

Find the Resource that Works for Your Learning Needs

“What suits me about Udacity is the ability to learn at my own pace. I really like that I can learn skills that are relevant to the job market at an affordable cost. The video lectures are taught by experts and are lively, not boring!”

If you need to refresh your basic programming skills, check out Intro to Computer Science, where you’ll learn by doing as you build a web search engine and a social network using Python.