
Vish Makhijani: Why I Joined Udacity

All of us at Udacity, from Sebastian on down, welcome Udacity’s new President & COO, Vish Makhijani.

Vish Makhijani

Vish Makhijani

I am excited to announce that I have joined the team at Udacity.

As I spent time with my family and recharged over the last year and a half (the first real break in my career), I thought long and hard about what I wanted to do next after earning my stripes at Yahoo, Zynga and other Bay Area companies. I realized that I most enjoyed work when I was tied into the company’s mission and dug the people I worked with.  I fast realized that education is an area that I care enormously about.  Education, especially higher education, is at a crossroads and is fast becoming unaffordable and inaccessible for many in our society (and around the world).  As I stare into the future for my child, I worry that he, and others like him, will be handed an antiquated experience that will ill prepare him for a life of fulfillment and economic self-sustainability. I owe him something more. That’s why I joined this team.

The Udacity team is a bunch of brilliant folks who are inspired to educate people so they can live a better life. I can’t think of a better way to spend my days.

Vish Makhijani
President & COO