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We have new certificates! Certificates are a great way to demonstrate your knowledge and skills on a given topic, whether it’s in our How to Build a Startup Class, Intro to Computer Science, Introduction to Physics, or any of our other classes!
Certificates can be used in a variety of ways. You can share them with potential employers, your school, and even your peers via your social networks (#UdacityCert). You might also print them out to hang on a wall at home.
To download your certificate once you’ve successfully completed your course, go to your My Courses page.
Your My Courses page displays all the classes you are currently taking.
To download the certificate for a particular course find the course you’ve just completed and click on the details dropdown button, which will give you an overview of the course.
If you’ve met the requirements to earn a course certificate, you’ll see a link titled ‘Download Udacity Certificate.’ Click on that link to download the certificate.
Here’s what the certificate looks like.
Once you’ve downloaded the certificate, you’re done with the course. If you no longer want the class to display in your current courses click the link thats says “Leave Class”.
By clicking this your class will move to the Past classes section. Moving a class to past classes does not affect your progress or your ability to review any of the course material at a future date.
If you’ve earned a certificate already, congratulations! If you’re still working on a class or want to start a class, we want to encourage you to keep on learning and we’re confident that you’ll earn a certificate soon.