The ultimate threat to your business? Digital talent gaps.
Our Talent Transformation Global Impact Report reveals that it's past time for a new digital talent strategy. Current learning and development efforts aren't cutting it—putting enterprises face‑to‑face with business failure.
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The glaring disconnect:
of enterprises have experienced a negative impact to their business due to talent gaps.
of enterprises think their L&D programs are successful.
of employees are only somewhat satisfied or not satisfied at all.
Our report reveals substantial gaps in upskilling digital talent.
Enterprises suffer from acute digital talent gaps:
Due to shortages in job-ready digital skills, organizations must consider a global upskilling solution.
There is a critical need to build job-ready skills at scale:
We surveyed 2,000+ managers and 4,000+ employees globally and found that enterprises that don’t radically transform their talent will fail.
Find the right enterprise upskilling partner:
Udacity provides a comprehensive solution to address widespread digital skills shortages that impact company growth, productivity, and innovation.
About Udacity
We change lives, businesses, and nations by creating job-ready digital skills at scale. With over a decade of experience, Udacity provides comprehensive solutions to address widespread digital talent shortages impacting growth, productivity, and innovation.