Career Coaching Terms
Last Updated: September 14, 2023
Career Coaching Honor Code:
By scheduling a Career Coaching 1:1 Session, you agree to abide by the Udacity Honor Code, a set of standards that exist to ensure the best learning experience for yourself and all other Udacity students. We also ask that you follow the best practices outlined below to ensure a productive career development environment.
Coaching Best Practices:
- I will abide by the Terms of Use and all components of the Honor Code set for Udacity Nanodegree participants.
- I will conduct myself with honor as part of the Udacity community.
- When working with my Career Coach, I will refrain from behavior that is obscene, fraudulent, indecent, or libelous or that defames, abuses, harasses, discriminates against or threatens others.
- I will maintain a professional demeanor and environment for the duration of my 1:1 Coaching Sessions. This includes ensuring that my background is neutral and professional and that I will take the call in a quiet environment, with a strong internet connection to ensure limited interruptions.
- I will present myself professionally by maintaining a professional dress code. I ensure that any clothing I wear will be appropriate, and will not contain obscene, illicit, threatening, or discriminatory messaging and/or graphics.
- I will communicate respectfully and considerately with all members of Udacity’s Career Coach Staff. This includes asking personal questions, sharing details that do not pertain to Career Development, etc.
- I will refrain from engaging in conversation or behavior with my Career Coach that is obscene, illicit, threatening, or discriminatory.
Users of the Career Coaching program who are found to act in violation of the terms set forth may lose access to any unused Career Coaching calls.