Search results for: deep learning

Artificial Intelligence vs Deep Learning: What’s the Difference?

Self-driving cars, flying drones, robotic rovers, wildlife trackers, game-playing computers, 3D protein folders, and humanized electronic personal...

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Chances are you’ve encountered deep learning in your everyday life. Be it driverless cars that seemingly use...

Udacity Grads Use Deep Learning to Create a ‘New Normal’ in the Healthcare Sector

It’s said that “modern problems require modern solutions.” This becomes more relevant in the age of COVID-19...

The Best Deep Learning Engineer Jobs of 2020

If you’re at all keyed into artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) concepts, chances are that...

Facebook Scholarship Fuels a Passion for Deep Learning

Find the right nanodegree program for you. Start Learning Last week we announced our latest collaboration with Facebook: Secure...