Lei Lei Tun Archives


Diving into the Product Manager Role with Aubrey Cattell, Adobe VP of Product

As business leaders fill more Artificial Intelligence, Cloud, and Data Analytics positions in their organizations, the need...

Building a Product-Led Organization

Customers today are adopting technologies at an exceptional pace. For example, while the telephone took 75 years...

Encouraging Innovation Through Servant Leadership

Organizations often claim to encourage risk-taking, but are typically reluctant to greenlight experimental innovation efforts for fear...

Investing in Employees to Accelerate Innovation

While technological advancements offer organizations the promise of competitive advantage, they can also risk disruption to companies’...

Why Non-Programmers Should Learn SQL

In today’s digital age, information is constantly being created, collected, stored, and analyzed. Every aspect of customer...

Meet 10-time Nanodegree Program Graduate & Machine Learning Engineer—David Hundley | Student Story

Graduating from a Nanodegree program is no small feat and definitely an accomplishment worth celebrating. One of...