Andy Brown Archives


Awards for 12 Udacious 2048 Games!

Since launching Make Your Own 2048, our 2 hour mini course on HTML and CSS basics, we’ve...

Dinosaurs Exist!

Fact: dinosaurs are totally awesome.  These gigantic, feathered (yes! feathered) beasts actually walked our planet tens of millions...

A Day at Udacity: Andy

Hello! My name is Andy. I’m Udacity’s “Lead Instructor.” I’m not exactly sure what that means, but whatever it...

Congratulations High School Challenge Winners!

Over the summer, Udacity students around the world competed to see which team could complete the most...

Four New Classes!

Technologies change quickly. While savvy companies are quick to adapt to these changes, universities are sometimes slower...

Malala Yousafzai, Our Thoughts are with You!

Malala Yousafzai lives in Pakistan.  In 2009, the Taliban regime in her region banned girls from attending school....