
Course Pods: A New Way to Connect With Classmates

Udacity! What do you love about online learning? Udacity students have gotten in touch with us to rave about two things: flexibility and community.

Our classes are awesome because you can learn at your own pace (we’re lookin’ at you, back button) and from anywhere you want (no one knows you took that quiz from the bathroom)!

Now, while learning at your own pace and from your own place, you might be wondering about your classmates. Our passionate students love connecting for study sessions, helping each other through tough spots in the course, collaborating on group projects, and having fun along the way.

Our study groups are a cornerstone of our student community, and they just got a little bigger! You can already start your own study group through the course forums and We are delighted to introduce…Course Pods!


Course Pods is an educational experiment from a Udacity student who is passionate about teaching and broadening access to education. Course Pods organizes in-person tutorials for online courses, starting with Udacity’s Intro to Computer Science class. Over eight weeks, tutorials meet for one hour per week to review course materials and work through extra examples.

Getting started is easy: Interested in learning? Hurry to get your spot in one of the tutorials! The deadline to enroll in the first tutorials is Monday, April 1. Interested in teaching? Teaching others is a great way to really learn the material inside and out, and it’s a wonderful way to give back to your community and broaden access to education. Course Pods will provide discussion materials and teaching support. Learn more!