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UPDATED for 2015!

You’ve put in the time and effort to advance your skills and build cool projects with Udacity — proudly share what you’ve accomplished on LinkedIn with your network and potential employers.

You’ve heard from tech recruiters on our blog that employers value continued learning, online portfolios showcasing relevant projects, and active community profiles.  Update the Education, Courses & Certifications sections on your LinkedIn profile to highlight the skills you’ve gained and make your CV more attractive to recruiters.

Update Your Education Section

Choose Udacity as your university, then add your field of study or specific Nanodegree in the respective fields.  Add more detail by listing what courses you’ve taken and what you’ve learned with us.


Add Relevant Coursework

You can highlight individual Udacity courses you’ve taken that are relevant to the jobs you want.  If the Courses section is not available as you scroll through your profile, go to the top of your profile to add a new section from the choices listed.  You may need to open up more options by clicking on the View More dropdown.


List Udacity Certificates

Add your Udacity certificates to your profile as well — you’ve worked hard to receive certificates, so show them off to colleagues, friends, employers, and recruiters!  A Udacity Nanodegree would be a great addition to this section.


The Bottom Line

Everyone — Udacity, employers, your network — is excited for the new skills that you’re gaining through online education. Updating your LinkedIn profile is a great way to let everyone know it’s time to cheer you on (or offer you a job advancement!) as you level up your skill set, so make sure to update today.

For more from Udacity on LinkedIn, follow Udacity’s LinkedIn page for updates around job readiness, and join our Crowding Around Udacity group for discussions around professional advancement.  We love hearing from you, so please let us know how you’re using Udacity to further your career, and what we can do to help you on your journey!